18  Join()-ing data

author: Юрій Клебан

Before start load packages

library(dplyr) # for demos
library(gapminder)  # load package and dataset

18.1 Join types

Lets check join operations as set opretations

Joins on table are look like this:

Source: https://marcus116.blogspot.com/2019/07/cheatsheets-sql-join-cheat-sheets.html

18.2 Join functions

To solve previous problem you can use set of join()-functions. left_join() can solve our previous example:

d2002 <- gapminder %>%
            filter(year == 2002) %>% # year
            group_by(continent, year) %>% # grouping condition
                lifeExpAvg = mean(lifeExp),
                countriesCount = n(), # n() count of rows in group 
                .groups = 'drop'
d2002 |> head()
A tibble: 5 × 4
continent year lifeExpAvg countriesCount
<fct> <int> <dbl> <int>
Africa 2002 53.32523 52
Americas 2002 72.42204 25
Asia 2002 69.23388 33
Europe 2002 76.70060 30
Oceania 2002 79.74000 2
grouped_data2002pop <- gapminder %>%
    filter(year == 2002) %>% # year
    group_by(continent) %>% # grouping condition
    summarise(totalPop = sum(pop),
             year = min(year))

grouped_data2002pop |> head()
A tibble: 5 × 3
continent totalPop year
<fct> <dbl> <int>
Africa 833723916 2002
Americas 849772762 2002
Asia 3601802203 2002
Europe 578223869 2002
Oceania 23454829 2002
grouped_data2002pop <- grouped_data2002pop %>% 

grouped_data <- d2002 %>% 
    left_join(grouped_data2002pop, by = "continent")

# but we have duplicated year
A tibble: 5 × 6
continent year.x lifeExpAvg countriesCount totalPop year.y
<fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int>
Africa 2002 53.32523 52 833723916 2002
Americas 2002 72.42204 25 849772762 2002
Asia 2002 69.23388 33 3601802203 2002
Europe 2002 76.70060 30 578223869 2002
Oceania 2002 79.74000 2 23454829 2002
grouped_data2002pop <- grouped_data2002pop %>% 

grouped_data <- d2002 %>% 
    left_join(grouped_data2002pop, by = c("continent", "year"))

A tibble: 5 × 5
continent year lifeExpAvg countriesCount totalPop
<fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
Africa 2002 53.32523 52 833723916
Americas 2002 72.42204 25 849772762
Asia 2002 69.23388 33 3601802203
Europe 2002 76.70060 30 578223869
Oceania 2002 79.74000 2 23454829

Let’s make a different data sets for testing join() fucntions:

first_df <- data.frame(Letter = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
                      Value = c(1:5))

second_df <- data.frame(Letter = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "F"),
                      Value = c(12, 7, 4, 1, 5))
A data.frame: 5 × 2
Letter Value
<chr> <int>
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
A data.frame: 5 × 2
Letter Value
<chr> <dbl>
A 12
B 7
C 4
D 1
F 5

You can see that the last row Letter is different in dataframes. left_join() test is next.

first_df %>% 
    left_join(second_df, by = "Letter")
# there is no F letter, becouse first_db joined only known first_df Letters.
A data.frame: 5 × 3
Letter Value.x Value.y
<chr> <int> <dbl>
A 1 12
B 2 7
C 3 4
D 4 1
E 5 NA
first_df %>% 
    right_join(second_df, by = "Letter")
# right_join! there is no E letter, becouse first_db joined only known second_df Letters.
A data.frame: 5 × 3
Letter Value.x Value.y
<chr> <int> <dbl>
A 1 12
B 2 7
C 3 4
D 4 1
F NA 5
first_df %>% 
    inner_join(second_df, by = "Letter")
# inner_join! there is no E and F Letters, 
# only known both first_df and second_df are left here.
A data.frame: 4 × 3
Letter Value.x Value.y
<chr> <int> <dbl>
A 1 12
B 2 7
C 3 4
D 4 1
first_df %>% 
    full_join(second_df, by = "Letter")
# all are here, but unknown values replaced by NA, it's ok.
A data.frame: 6 × 3
Letter Value.x Value.y
<chr> <int> <dbl>
A 1 12
B 2 7
C 3 4
D 4 1
E 5 NA
F NA 5

Short description of reviewed functions:

Function Objectives Arguments Multiple keys
left_join() Merge two datasets. Keep all observations from the origin table data, origin, destination, by = “ID” origin, destination, by = c(“ID”, “ID2”)
right_join() Merge two datasets. Keep all observations from the destination table data, origin, destination, by = “ID” origin, destination, by = c(“ID”, “ID2”)
inner_join() Merge two datasets. Excludes all unmatched rows data, origin, destination, by = “ID” origin, destination, by = c(“ID”, “ID2”)
full_join() Merge two datasets. Keeps all observations data, origin, destination, by = “ID” origin, destination, by = c(“ID”, “ID2”)

18.3 Refences

  1. dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation on https://cran.r-project.org/.
  2. Data Transformation with splyr::cheat sheet.
  4. Dplyr Intro by Stat 545. 6.R Dplyr Tutorial: Data Manipulation(Join) & Cleaning(Spread). Introduction to Data Analysis
  5. Loan Default Prediction. Beginners data set for financial analytics Kaggle